Today’s reading from the Holy Prophet Zechariah seems to be an earlier version of event planning. Who is going?
“Thus says the Lord of hosts: Peoples shall yet come, even the inhabitants of many cities; the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, ‘Let us go at once to entreat the favor of the Lord, and to seek the Lord of hosts; I am going.'” Zec 8.20-21
We have been preparing for the Lenten journey for several weeks, and Sunday evening of Cheesefare is “Go time.” There will be fasting. I am going. There will be extended prayers, many more Psalms, and the Canon of St Andrew of Crete. I am going. There will be less time for other things. I am going. There will be confession of sins and repentance. I am going. There will be asking for forgiveness for what I have done voluntarily and involuntarily. I am going. There will be the reminder of the harsh reality of the Expulsion from Eden and of the consequence of death. I am going. There will be the repetition of “Lord have mercy” in that Lenten tone. I am going.
“Let us set out with joy upon the season of the Fast, and prepare ourselves for spiritual combat.” I am going to this, too. Are you going? Let us ask God to have mercy that we may “persevere with love, and so be counted worthy to see the solemn Passion of Christ our God, and with great spiritual gladness to behold His holy Passover.” [Sunday Forgiveness Vespers] Forgive me. Good strength!
Monastery Update: 1) The roofing repair is expected as soon as the rain stops. Temporary measures were taken to slow the entry of water on two floors. Just a few days more. 2) The front porch has been repaired and is now strong and safe! A multitude of thanks to friends who came and worked hard to accomplish this. The wood of the deck and steps was not rotted so the peeling paint will be sanded and all will be stained in 6 months (as the new treated wood must dry and age a bit). 3) Drain spout extenders were installed to divert water away from the building. 4) General cleanup of the grounds has begun. 5) A new purple aer, chalice and diskos covers are ready. 6) Work has begun on the cells on the other side of the monastic residence.
Coming down! Porch supplies rebuilding Safe! Example of water diverted away from the house. Another example of a downspout extender. They were installed on all downspouts at required lengths. New aer and coverings Garden in front of monastery Garden in front of monastery new look by the road by the road bonus 😉