Let God arise!
Let His enemies be scattered!

Spring is on the way

Spring is on the way

Welcome to the Holy Resurrection Monastery News Page!

This morning, the birds were competing with the Matins chanting. Many are already returning from their Winter retreats and adding to the beauty of the place. Thankfully, the stalwart Winter residents survived the unusual cold snap in Missouri. 

As the Monastery website is developed, I am reminded that the world is an exhausting place. There are so many accounts and details to attend.  Fortunately, monastics are easily able to turn off the monitor and refocus. What can you do if you have a job, expectations, responsibilities, and deadlines? Take the time when you can: a few minutes for the Jesus Prayer, maybe a Psalm. For every moment that we are able to spend in prayer another of peace is added to our lives. Without prayer, this fades and we need to refocus again and again. 

Lent is around the corner and that is always a time of renewal with the extra appointed prayers and kathisma (selections of Psalms). Each week I like to remember a favorite quote or two. Here is one of my favorites from Vespers of the Publican and the Pharisee: “Understanding, O my soul, the difference between the Publican and the Pharisee, hate the proud words of the one, and eagerly imitate the contrite prayer of the other, crying aloud: God be merciful to me a sinner and have pity on me.”  If it is long, I may write it out or take a photo of it so I have a better reason to look at the phone.  I also do Lenten reading: especially choose a new spiritual book and read portion every day. Most important, I plan to go to Confession. Have you made Lenten plans? 

More on the HRM website:
The store is almost ready for launch! The front end is looking decent but there is some work to be finished on the backend. You know, the shopping cart, the forms you fill out, and the important confirmation messages and emails you receive during the course of a purchase and as follow up. 

Soon a list will be published of specific needs. Thank you to everyone who has been generous! 

Picture of Mother Alexandra

Mother Alexandra

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